The Novel

So, writing a novel is pretty easy.  You just make up a story and write one word after the other until you finally type “The End.”  Okay, not so much.  Dang, I really thought this thing would just take me six or eight months, and it would be all done.  Two years later, it’s…kind of done.  After three edits, running it through Grammarly, and then cutting about 8,000 words, it’s reached a point that I guess you could call “finished,” although I’m sure there is a lot more work to be done before it’s actually published, however that may occur.

Let’s see, last year I wrote this summary:  “…the novel is firmly in the “martial arts” genre.  It’s the story of a young American who’s the son of Christian missionaries in Shanxi, China, around the year 1900.   He finds himself in the midst of the historical whirlwind of the Boxer Rebellion, and after a heart-wrenching loss, he begins his own training in the Chinese martial arts.  His story is tragic and uplifting at the same time, and in China he finds loyal allies, terrible adversaries, kindness, cruelty, adventure and love.”    Okay, that still holds up.  I guess I didn’t veer too far off the original path.

But wow, it does indeed take a lot of persistence to finish a full-length novel.  There are a ton of things to consider, a million details to keep straight, and that nagging fear that some character you killed off in the first chapter mistakenly appears again in chapter twenty-five.

Still, it’s been a rewarding and educational experience actually writing the whole thing, and I’ve had some nice encouragement from friends, family and acquaintances along the way.  I’m just starting the submission process now.  Where it will go, nobody knows…

Upcoming tales…

Hi folks,

So, I’m about eight months out from self-publishing my first book, Even Closer Than the Sea and Other Stories-a collection of my sci-fi and horror short stories.  This was my first experience of actually putting my writing out to the public.  I’ve been quite pleased with the results–I’ve had more sales than I expected, and I’ve received some nice comments and reviews from a wide range of folks–some whom I know, and some whom I don’t!  It’s been a very satisfying experience, and it seems the most common comments I’ve received have been along the lines of “I really liked the worlds you created–I just wish the stories were longer so I could see more of them.”

That’s really encouraging for any aspiring writer, and along those lines, I’m currently about two-thirds through the first draft of my new full-length novel.  Compared to my short stories, this one is a little less fantastical and more in the vein of historical fiction.  Pursuant to my love of Hong Kong martial arts movies (particularly Shaw Brothers’ productions), and my own study of Chinese martial arts over many years, the novel is firmly in the “martial arts” genre.  It’s the story of a young American who’s the son of Christian missionaries in Shanxi, China, around the year 1900.   He finds himself in the midst of the historical whirlwind of the Boxer Rebellion, and after a heart-wrenching loss, he begins his own training in the Chinese martial arts.  His story is tragic and uplifting at the same time, and in China he finds loyal allies, terrible adversaries, kindness, cruelty, adventure and love.  I’m quite excited about the story, and I do hope it will find an enthusiastic readership.  Thanks for your interest!  -Kyle

In the beginning…

Hi, folks.  Just starting my author blog/website here at WordPress.  I’m a writer of fiction (mostly), and I tend to focus on genres like sci-fi, horror, and dark fantasy–although martial arts, Westerns and other genres will probably also make an appearance in future projects.  I like to read a lot of different types of works, and hopefully, in time,  my own writing will reflect that diversity.  I just published my first short story collection this past summer, called Even Closer Than the Sea and Other Stories, and it’s available in paperback and for Kindle on Amazon.  It’s a bit rough around the edges, but I think it presents a good overview of my writing style, tone and favorite subjects.

I grew up out in the country in upstate New York, and now I live by the ocean in New England; I’ve always been deeply influenced by my environment, and I think that comes across in my writing.  Although my works aren’t overtly religious, I am writing from a Christian perspective.  I tend to agree with other Christian writers like J.R.R Tolkien and C.S. Lewis that one’s religious outlook should certainly be an underpinning for one’s stories, but should never be a substitute for the complexity and subtlety of the craft of storytelling.

Thanks for the interest,  and for taking the time to read the words that I’ve written.  Stay tuned for more to come…